Glossy Ibis in Titchfield and Warsash

For the last few months Hook-with-Warsash and Titchfield Haven have been blessed with the presence of four Glossy Ibis. Hook being my most visited bird watching site has afforded me some really decent views, often as close as 30 meters. The photos below were taken on two separate occasions, one in October and the other in early January.

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These magnificient birds, not yet classified as native, have a wingspan off 88cm and are seen mainly in the south of England. The BTO stated in 2019 a total of 82 were recorded in 2019 but last year an estimated number of 98 popped over to visit us.
It seems that this is partly due to over population in mainland Europe together with climate change.

Three visits to Hook-with-Warsash this January have given me good views of Sanderling, Curlews, Turnstones, Wigeon, Teal, Pintails and more. Last Friday saw some 600 - 700 Brent Geese having a rest together some 50 meters away from the beach in Southampton Water.

All in all, the bigger birds are doing well, let's hope the smaller ones start start picking up soon and the weather is as it should be through to late Spring.

If you live in Hampshire or on the borders, keep up to date of daily sightings at the Go Birding in Hampshire website.

2024 Update - It seems the four are making Titchfield Haven and Posbrook Floods next to the Titchfield Canal fairly permanent and seen every day throughout winter.

Tags: Titchfield Canal, Titchfield Haven, Warsash