Goosander in Bishop’s Waltham

There are two kinds of 'rare' in birdwatching
1. Rare spotted anywhere and
2. Not rare but in a rare place
The latter was the case in December 2020 when a Goosander appeared on the south pond in Bishop's Waltham

I heard about it being there and for four days thought it had either gone or hiding somewhere else.

Then, it appeared on the far side of the Pond, I walked around to find it had moved to where I'd just come from ! I repeated and returned with the same outcome.

Third time lucky, just as I came to the conclusion a good shot may not be possible I was alerted to the sound of wing flapping overhead and sure enough, the landing took place just some 30 meters away !

Therefore, not a rare bird but a bird somewhere you'd not expect it to be. A few days later a Siberian Chiffchaff appeared on the north pond, so you just never know, it's all about being in the right place at the right time. Or should I say, the wrong place at the right time !

Tags: Bishops Waltham