Waxwings in Bishop’s Waltham

Due to an obvious shortage of berries in their native habitats in Scandinavia, our country has been blessed with a huge influx of Waxwings over the last few weeks.

Yesterday I was happily sorting things out in my kitchen, when my door and doorbell went into overdrive. It was Ady our Postie, a great Birder who is responsible for putting up large numbers of Swift boxes around the Village. "Quick Rich, there's a Waxwing over the road. So just in a roughly put on coat and not bothering to get out of my slippers, we went to look.

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Just the one popping in and out of the tall Silver Birches and flying down to feed berries from the Rowan trees below.

It's a 'first' for Bishop's Waltham and shows how, when they do come to visit, they are slowly venturing further south year on year.

The birdwatchers arrive !

Needless to say I posted the siting with location on the Hampshire GoBirding website and this caused a number of birders from around the area to turn up. It certainly gave those living in the road to come out wondering what on earth was going on.

It's still there today so maybe another couple of days until he or she has stripped the berries off the tree.

But a good day for Birders and the local community, they've never been seen in the Village until now !

Tags: Bishops Waltham