Spotting the Hummingbird Hawk Moth in the garden

One of Summers beautiful visitors

Every day I look out my window at the Buddleia bush in hope of seeing an elusive Hummingbird Hawk Moth. Thus far it has attracted a few butterflies (including a Painted Lady) but lacking of one of my favourites.
Today was today !

hummingbird hawk moth on buddleia

To see it flitting from flower to flower, hovering and reaching out with it's inch-long, curved proboscis is special. The only match is probably the Bee Fly, which I'm happy to say I saw in May.

I'm pleased to read in the Butterfly Conservation Trust website that numbers appear to be growing and certainly, due likely to climate change, they are literally spreading their wings further up the country.

hummingbird hawk moth

Other than that, today saw the usual Blue Tits, Great Tits, Greenfinches and Goldfinches on the feeder, the Bullfinches appear to have gone elsewhere for now. But, it's not all about 'pretty' birds, the Sparrows, Dunnets, Blackbirds, Robins are always busy and very welcome.

To read detailed information about the Hummingbird Hawk Moth go to the Butterfly Conservation website HERE >

Tags: Moths